The condition of the phone is very excellent. it runs smooth and updated. seller very responsive and friendly. Thank you sir.
Emeer|28/08/2023 14:30
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Pixel 6 (Black)
The condition of the phone is very excellent. it runs smooth and updated. seller very responsive and friendly. Thank you sir.
Emeer|28/08/2023 14:30
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Google Pixel 6
Phone received in good condition. Almost zero scratches. Battery health was 97%. Only the screen have red burn tint at the bottom right. The 20W charger and cable worked for only like 2 days until it both broke. The worst thing is the customer service, almost 11 days with no updates after I ordered. I even called, contacted thru messenger and emailed but no response whatsoever until the 11th day the staff Whatsapp me telling that there is no stock. Overall pretty satisfied with the phone but not the the customer service.